Tuesday, August 24, 2010

dude, i don't even remember what day this was

so, sus and i said our goodbyes to
her family and chris.
we drove to matata for groceries
and to meet up with ali for lunch
we ended up running into another friend too!
we said bye to them also and headed to the game park
only about 1 hour away.
we were really excited!!!
these pics are out of order,
but this was our plan:
1: arrive
2: follow open topped jeep in our rental to drop off point
3: (we had to change from dresses - required on site for sus and i)
4: drink some juice...? sign in, put bags in open topped jeep
5: we were with 2 other couples... i know, weird.
6: get an evening drive through the park on the way to where we would eat dinner and sleep
7: see cool stuff
8: eat dinner, shower, sleep
9: wake up to "room" service coffee
10: morning drive through park
11: breakfast
12: ride jeep back to drop off point
13: follow jeep out
14: on way, see amaaaaaazing animals up close and personal (see next post)
15: drive to beach.

african buffalo
yes, i am like a giraffe

me driving!!!!

us in the jeep!!!
sus was slightly cold... okay, freezing.

i loveeee this pic!

hungry hungry hippos!!!!
don't worry, i zoomed in realllllly far.
these guys are super dangerous.

i love her eyelashes!

our room!

sisters freezing our butts off in the am.

our ride!

ummm, yeah.
this was over our heads while driving under a tree.
thought i was gonna die.

awww rhino!

our "room"
it was opened (aka no walls or door)
but sooooo nice!

it was a 3-4 course meal
super delish
and great wine!
of course we ate outside by the fire!
can't wait to show you the next post!

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