Friday, July 16, 2010

blakenship going away party

the last friday in june we had a sad but fun
going away party for bethany and stephen
since she (for some reason) really wants to be a doctor
she HAS to go to med school
and for some reason
it's in stupid alabama
the left July 1st :(
BUTTTTT we had this awesome party with our most
favorite friends in denver
in our backyard
and it was perfect weather!

jason, adam, patrick
aspen fell and scraped her knee up really bad
so my fix (after h2o2 and neosporin) was this "magical healing sock"

kim, cam, troy

erin, shellie, autumn

you can't realllllly tell, but i transformed the garage into a hangout area
i put an array of chairs,
some old rugs,
the base to the anthro table, made into a coffee table,
a dumpster find of a crate and barrel island on wheel thing i turned into "the bar"
and the chaise lounge i found in the alley

bethany and lindsay
(we were in the garage for a bit b/c it was sprinkling

autumn, erin, b, lindsay, me, shellie
aspen and the sock

the first keg i've ever bought!
we had gone on a tour of the new belgium brewery in may
and decided we would get the blanks a fat tire keg for their going away party
so i followed through
and bought my first keg!
the only one i know that can pull of a jumpsuit

jill and erin demonstrating how to use the keg :)

me and the neighbor
i just put this pic in
a: b/c aspen took it
b: b/c i love my dress (it has pockets!)
aspen took this photo too
*isn't my friend pretty???*

b, ella, jill, anne, erin, autumn, jason
*aspen took this too :)
it was a great party
we had great food
great people
and really felt the love of colorado friendship
bethany i am mad you moved, you know you could just be a janitor
but i will come visit you in stupid mobile, AL soon

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