Wednesday, April 09, 2008

wes = treading water

wes and cameron sept 2007
september 2007
lauren, wes, and cameron sept 2007

I went to visit Wes today.

He is really sick.

Yesterday the Dr. told Renee he was "treading water".

What does that mean? It cannot be good.

He is being threatened with an NG Tube.

He won't eat, and is getting TPN to feed him,

but it is really hard on your liver, and they really need him

to gain some weight (he probably weighs like 100-105#).

So they are telling him to eat, or get an NG Tube

(which he calls his snuffulufagus).

He still has 2 JP drains in places where he has

2 abscess. But Allison says they are hardly putting out anything

like infected drainage (a good thing).

He got his chest tube out yesterday (another good thing).

He can have a regular diet, but just doesn't want to eat.

He really doesn't have any motivation despite

visitors/friends/family coming and staying with him.

Please please pray he gets that spark to want to be/get better,

that he will want to walk, do his IS, eat, etc; that he will fight this crap.



Thank you for your prayers, he desperately needs them.

Wes is really sick.


Ryan and Katie said...

I'm very sorry about your friend. I will be praying!

Mike and Susanne said...

We're praying too. Lots. You are such a great friend...keep it up.