Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Cam's First Day of School

Cameron's first day of school. Ahh the beauty of the day, cam starts riding to school in the 60 degree weather on dad's old road bike. It's so nice, he has on a button up shirt, an under shirt, shorts, his backpack, and helmet. He's taking in the beauty of the trail along the Platte River... dun dun dun... when all of a sudden...BAM. He gets hit in the chin by something, and it falls down his shirt. And the next thing he knows... something is stinging him. He jumps off the bike, throws his helmet off, and takes his shirts off. This crazy hornet stung him 4 times on the chest...and it doesn't feel good. Don't worry, right before he left the house, he had a thermos full of coffee in the mesh part of his backpack, as he bent down to get the dog, it fell out and hit him in the head. Poor guy. That's not all... his phone stopped working earlier last week, and cingular was going to send him a new phone next day.... 4 days later no phone. He called them, and well, darn, they forgot to send it. Poor guy. He said class was okay, but it was gonna be a doozy of a semester. So much for a first day.


Anonymous said...

liz...I was wearing a t-shirt..come on. Get the story right. The new seat I put on the bike also came loose and was squishing my nether regions so I had to ride home standing up almost the whole way. Seat is fixed, hornets run from me now!!! and I keep my coffee in a more secure location. Life is going well...

lauren and brad said...

i am so sorry cam...but that made me laugh. pretty hard in fact. so sorry. but maybe it's one of those things like, "crazy honeymoon, wonderful marriage"...you know, "crazy first day, smooth semester". I guess you can test that theory. This one time, brad was taking an outdoor shower and a wasp stung him on the head! At least that didn't involve nether regions! :)