Thursday, October 02, 2008

Mom's Hand (xray= award) & Dad's (real) Award

Mom tripped over her 30lb cat and did this to her thumb:

Match up the lines and that's where her thumb should be aligned; Lateral Dislocation R Thumb
Look at the lines; OUCH!!! Medial Dislocation ***** R Thumb
Poor Momma; she has to wear a cast for a month, but got in on Monday, and already had to have it cut off b/c the swelling was too bad and was cutting off her circulation. Geesh mom. She told me "now I know why me mother always said, I am going to trip over that dog and break my neck!" Mom, you MUST be getting OLD!
On the other hand; dad was nominated to attend OKC's Metro Top 50 Fastest Growing Small Businesses! And he went a few nights ago and came in 39th! Good job dad, so proud of you!
His cool Plaque and the little progams!
when i did pilates tuesday i thought, well, i am a little sore, that sucks.
okay, today is thursday and i can barely bend over or get out of bed, or even get off the toilet. i wanted to do yoga today, but i don't even know if i can make it there, let alone do poses. holy cow. my friend bethany finished her quilt yesterday and it looks awesome. i started quilting mine and have quilted 5/23 boxes. so hopefully today i can get a lot done.
only 25 more days til my bday!!!!!!


The Swifts said...

haha...your sister is funny! you're poor mom and her thumb...that looks awful! pretty amazing x-ray though.

Andy and Laura said...

ouch rayma!! she should definitely frame those xrays.