Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sophie Rabus, a cute poot!

Yesterday I got to meet Sophie for the first time. At first she was mad, but as the day went on, she was the cutest happiest baby in the world. When I first got to Susanne's parents' house in Loveland, Sophie was HUNGRYYYY!!! So Sus fed her and we just talked and hung out. Then Sophie fell asleep and we went to Schmidt's for lunch. It is a little German place and it was yummy! Then we went to starbuck's and got carmal apple ciders. Sophie was getting hungry or poopy or something and started crying so we went back home. Then, I got to feed Sophie! She is sooooo cute when she eats. Then I burped her (and let me tell you, formula burps are stinky!!!). Then I accidentally taught Soph a bad trick... I was playing with her pacifier and bopping it on her nose and taking it out of her mouth, and then she didnt want to keep it IN her mouth.... I am a badddddd friend. Sophie and I just stared at each other making cute faces. Then, Sus and I got the bright idea to have Sophie ride on Abel's back (the dog). But Abel kept sitting down (he mighta just been mad at us, he's old). So we took sophie's pic while she was sittin, laying, and bothering Abel :). THEN... Sus's dad got home from work, and offered to take me to dinner (this was at the price of missing my online jeopardy quiz yto get on the show, but i figured Sus's family is MUCH more important). So we went to a cute little place in Loveland downtown. Soph was sooo good the whole dinner! Then when we got back to her house, I GOT TO FEED HER AGAIN! But this time she acted like she was dying of hunger.... thank goodness we got the bottle made in time ..... close call. She is just a little pumpkin and I want to steal her (until she cries). This was good enough birth control for me for awhile. I figure once Susanne moves out here, then I can have a baby b/c she will show me what to do :)
PS: we didn't win the $254 million dollar lottery...sorry folks.


Mike and Susanne said...

Oh my goodness, I think that's the cutest baby I've ever seen!! I guess I'm a little biased, though. Liz, it was SOOOO fun getting to see you yesterday! I can't wait until we move out here! I'm sorry you didn't win the lottery, especially since I was really getting excited for that trip we were going to take that you guys were paying for. Maybe you should just work on getting onto Jeopardy and winning the money that way! Thanks again for driving up here to see us...Sophie keeps asking about her Aunt Liz! Oh, and she ate 10 ounces today!! What a pig! Ok, love you!

Anonymous said...

hoooooow cuuuuute. I love me some babies.

Anonymous said...

oooohhhhh. she gives me the fever! sounds like a fun time!

Anonymous said...

She is a cutie, for sure.
Get susanne out there, I'm ready for a grandbaby to spoil. (& give back to mom and pop when she burps poops or throws up!
much love