Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This is a pic from our balcony, so pretty! But basically I thought my life couldn't get any worse (from things going on lately).... oh don't worry, i went to pee this morning, and i flushed, and the toilet overflowed so much that there was like 1 inch of water on our bathroom, and I had to use every towel we had (nice ones included) to sop up the water. Cameron won't answer his phone, so I don't know what to do. And now I have to go to the br AGAIN!!!! AHHHH.


Anonymous said...

that is so pretty. i love you and will talk to you soon

lauren and brad said...

That is beautiful. What a lovely view...And don't ever say things can't get worse...its bad karma...just think, it could have been a "good grief" kinda flush, because that would have been much MUCH worse!
Love you both...