Tuesday, October 17, 2006


It's snowing here and has been all day (well since about 1200). I am pumped, and it looks so pretty. I just hope the roads don't freeze over. I couldn't find a pic of how pretty it is on the internet and was too lazy to take one. After I went to grocery shop at Target (and after I got a carmal apple cider from satrbucks) I sat on the couch and knitted all day. Sorry to say dad that I got bored making the scarf and switched to cameron's hat, but I am done now, and will switch back to the scarf!!!! It was wonderful being inside watching all the snow today, but it makes me scared to see what work will be like tomorrow (being on the trauma unit and all). PS... Julie Malecek will be here in 2 days! And it's 10 days til my birthday!

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