Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Sorry no pics.... we forgot to take them :(.

We went to Plano from the 3-7 to visit the Cannons.

We arrived thursday night at about 11pm. And cameron stayed up to play video games with alec and blake, but i went to bed, i was pooped.

Friday we grabbed some quick breakfast and headed to the place (forgot full name) where they make paper money (they only make it in Fort Worth, TX and Wash DC. That was cool... very strict, no cell phones or electronics, no water/food, you pretty much get frisked going in and go through these crazy fancy metal detectors.

Then we ate lunch at a great mexican place, we have terrible mexican places here, so it was a treat!!!

Then we headed home, and the boys hung out at home, and Lea Ann and I went shopping at the mall! We got some great stuff!!!!

After we got home, the boys and I went to eat a quick dinner at Chili's... we came home and went to bed.

Saturday we woke up and ate a late breakfast at Poor Richard's. It was so tasty!! Then we headed over to Burt and Joany's house (cameron's mom's parents) and visited for awhile, good times! Then we played cards and cranium at the cannon house.

After games, david and LeaAnn cooked us some awesome Italian food sent to them from Aunt Becky!!! It was so good and we were stuffed! We then played more games and ate icecream :).

Sunday we ate donuts and hung out for a bit, then went to the dog park with Scout and Briana. They had so much fun!!! Then we ate a late lunch at a fish place called Rock Fish and it was soooo soooo good!! I ate my very first piece of Key Lime Pie and now i am in love with it!!! After that we played Phase 10 and just kinda hung out....

Monday we woke up 15 min after we were supposed to LEAVE for the airport AHHHHHHHH! but we made it okay, thank goodness, b/c the security lines were sooo sooo long. And while we were in line, we were just getting to the point where we take our shoes off, and some old man in the other line passed out. I ran up to him and we layed him down (someone caught him and lowered him to a sitting position).... for all those nursing people out there (mainly susanne)... i felt like the ACLS video where the weird guy yells "sir sir are you okay... you call 911, you get the cart".... b/c i was doing the sternal rub yelling sir sir... what's your name.... I seriously did that sternal rub so hard.... thank goodness a police dude was there, and he called the emsa people. who by the way took like more than 5 min to get there. but the old man finally kinda woke up/ opened his eyes... and i asked him his name again, and he mumbled, and i am sitting there thinking... oh great he's having a stroke, so make him hold his hands out in front of him, but he didn't have a drift..... so then he tells me his name, and i ask about BP probs and meds, and he doesn't have any.... and he seems okay, so we move him out of the way (well the police crazy man drags him in a sitting position.... weird)... and thankfully i don't lose my place in line... that seriously what i was thinking the whole time.. how rude am i??? and as i go through the line, EMSA comes and takes care of him. We go off to get breakfast and sit down to eat it, and we see 2 police peeps escorting old man pass out to his gate, he looked in shock, but was okay and walking. Then someone in our terminal thanked me for helping, and that was nice ;). We ended up getting home alright and cam had to rush off to go to his internship. And I ran errands the rest of the day and did laundry and wifey type stuff.

Tuesday: took schnooze FINALLY to get her hair cut!!!! She's cute! and went to Doc.

Update on Bloodpressure: she took me off the bp meds, but my PTH was high (really rare... so they are drawing it again) (look up parathyroid hormone if you are curious... regulate Calcium levels....)and also getting a kidney ultrasound to make sure there's nothing wrong with them. Sus Kramer said she would give me her kidney if i needed it... what a good sis. But i don't think I will need it though :).

We're glad to be back!!!!


Leslie said...

you're an airport hero!! where does schnooze stay when you guys go out of town? and did i miss something about WHY you're getting all this med stuff done? symptoms?

lizcannon said...

I think the med stuff is at the bottom of the christmas post. schnooze stays with our neighbors matt and andy (in school with cameron, but we share a wall- next door). then we pay them back with food!

lauren and brad said...

fun trip! glad u are home...when are u coming here???????????????????? :(

Anonymous said...

liz- oh, i'm glad you had key lime pie. it's my favorite and a southern staple. when you come visit we can make it (key lime cheesecake is very good too, the marriage of my two favorite sweets!). i missed you in okc. i'm glad you had fun in plano. hope to see you this year. can't let a year go by without seeing my whole family! love ya, polly

Mike and Susanne said...

Now you need to try key lime pie on a stick. That is the best! Thanks for the cute card!!! The lists are also very helpful :)

Love you!

Lane Adair said...

what a trip! tex mex.....mmmmmm. I've got a spare kidney, but I don't think you want it. it is prone to infections.

Be a nurse. save a life. way to go.

Christmas present!! that makes you the best cousin!

150 Amalfi Dr.
Santa Monica, CA 90402

trish said...

yay plano! i miss tex-mex. and rockfish....yummmmm. gooo wildcats! i am such a dork :)