Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas part 3

 So, we arrived in Plano late Sunday night.
We hung out for a little bit, then had to go to sleep.
We were definitely pooped from traveling, and ready to be in one place
for 5 days.
we woke up, had breakfast, went out for lunch, the boys went to see a movie,
and the girls went to get their nails done :)!
Then the girls came back to nap.
We all had a great day of just relaxing and being with the fam!
The next day, we were headed to the zoo!
we took the DartRail to the Dallas Zoo and it was so so so much fun!

 so, the denver zoo has this bird area where you can feed the birds nectar.
we thought the dallas zoo would be similar.
the birds land on you and pretty much attack you (in a nice way).
We were all covered from head to toe with birds!
They tried to take my rings & sunglasses... sneaky.

 did i mention i used to be deathly afraid of birds?
i'm better now, but it's still a little scary.

 They also have the most amazing thing ever there...
you can feed the giraffes!!!!
I was ready to spend all my 401K feeding the giraffes,
but Cam made me stop at $20.
they walk right up and take the food
you can pet them and love on them.
the one giraffe that kept eating form us was the only male,
and let's just say he had his own little musky scent. :)
cam and hazel got all rubbed on and had to wash their jackets once we were home!
 life complete: fed a giraffe.
 oh man.... this next picture.
we always made fun of LeaAnn and her doll collection.
just because.
but when we arrived sunday night after travelling...
this was all set up in our room :)
we freaked out!
it was so creepy.
then it became a running joke, and alec set them up hanging from the stairs
so when I got up to pee one night I had a heart attack, and then we set them up for when Blake & Jenny arrived :) it was awesome!

 Christmas morning was fantastic!
Hazel was so much fun!
She could't believe she was getting so many presents!
She got this amazing Cinderella doll that she loves!

 Cam got these awesome jammies that say #1 dad
 We gave David & LeaAnn this Bittermilk Gift Set
and we all got to try it...
let me just say: DELICIOUS!
 Poppy and Hazel

 Me & Claire
 Lili and her 2 granddaughters
 bittermilk mixed drink!
this may have been the tom collins?
 alec and austin
 family photo

 the pies!
I made the crusts which were oh so delicious.
lea ann made the pecan one and it looks much prettier than mine :)
 Hazel & Abbey
they bonded and Hazel wouldn't leave her side

It was a really great trip and we had so much fun.
The day after Christmas we had to head home.
I had to work my last 2 days at Swedish.

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