Monday, May 20, 2013

the girl with the dragon tattoo

we headed to the farmers market
just a couple blocks away
and this awesome lady does free face/arm painting (tips appreciated)
hazel picked a dragon :)
i am not lying that she talked about the dragon ALL WEEK
and kept pointing to her arm saying dragon dragon, dragon bite
then we would ask, a real bit or pretend, and she would say pretend bite :)

 oh yeah, dont forget the SPARKLES

 the next day it was a little chilly,but we headed to the park.
this is what she kept doing, just like her aunt.

 then later we went on a walk, and the sky looked all tornadic
(this was the same time OK was getting hit with the 5/20 tornado)
 and 6 months later, i finally painted the fridge cam made her for xmas.

1 comment:

lauren and brad said...

Wait. Cam made that for her? And do I see a stove in the background? I'm gonna need some pics of these. I am obsessed with play kitchens! :)