So these pics are all out of order, but oh well.
Halloween Day I set out to recover the chairs.
Odette and Laura (new friend) came over to help!
I pretty much had them do all the work while
I took pics and hung out. Okay,
I did do a lot of work once Odette left.
it was like 75* that day
that night: aspen as little red riding hood :)
me and sara, she likes making this face
pic from 10.27 on our way to bday dinner
the chair without the seat BEFORE
odette doing the seat
schnooze guarding the new fabric?
odette and laura
finished product!
woo hoo!
odette sewing the back part together!
cutting out the seat part
schnooze, cam, me, laura ALL DONE!
and that was AFTER the time change....
I was using Odette's awesome sewing machine,
but had to give it back to her Sunday, so I had to finish!
some pillows i will sew (from the bottoms of the curtains :))
what?? you've gotten so much accomplished in such a short amount of time!
Oh my goodness! I love them all soooooooo much!!! Please come help me redo my whole house! Please!!!!
They look awesome Liz...congrats!!!!! You have really great friends up there, because I would not have been much help in this department, haha!!!
Love you!
looking good in the neighborhood!
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